Worship on Sunday Mornings & Holy Days (Childcare Available)
An Open Communion Table
Welcoming All People
A Blend of Contemporary and Traditional Worship Styles

The public is invited to attend all worship services and special events.
Childcare is provided for all worship services and most special events.
Individual congregations within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) vary widely in how they conduct their worship services. At First Presbyterian, Effingham, we strive to blend contemporary and traditional worship styles. All of our worship services, however, will include Scripture, prayer, and music. A useful resource for planning and conducting presbyterian worship is our denomination's Book of Common Worship.
Some Useful Resources
Versions of the Bible
- New Revised Standard Version
- New American Bible
- World Wide Study Bible
- The Unbound Bible
- Bible Gateway
- Cantica Nova
- The Cyber Hymnal
- Lutheran Hymnal
- Hymns and Hymnology by Title
- African American Gospel at the Library of Congress
- Hymnsite.com (United Methodist)
Resources on Christian Worship
- Jean Calvin
- Book of Common Worship (Presbyterian Church USA)
- Various Books of Common Prayer (Anglican/Episcopalian)
- The Latin Mass (Roman Catholic)