Worship on Sunday Mornings & Holy Days (Childcare Available)
An Open Communion Table
Welcoming All People
A Blend of Contemporary and Traditional Worship Styles
Mission Outreach
Marion Medical Mission
First Presbyterian is proud to support the Marion Medical Mission. MMM has four well programs in East Africa: two in Malawi, one in Zambia, and one in Tanzania. These programs are in partnership with the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian in Malawi and Zambia, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania.
Child Development Center
Our Presbyterian Women collect regular offerings and do fundraising to support the Effingham Child Development Center. First Presbyterian's PW circles are also actively engaged in global and other local mission projects. They raise funds by holding rummage sales in the Fall and the Spring.
Captain Underpants Tree
During Advent, our congregation collects donations of new undergarments. These are distributed to children and adults as needed especially during the Winter months.
Blessing Box (Food Pantry)
The Pantry is located by our church parking lot. Donations may be brought to worship, dropped off at church or placed in the Pantry. For shopping suggestions, please check out our church website home page.
Additionally, on Super Bowl Sunday, our youth groups host a special lunch after worship and Sunday school and collect cans of food and donations of cash to help feed hungry neighbors through our local food pantries.
Presbyterian Giving Catalog
With the online version of The Presbyterian Giving Catalog, you can explore a wide variety of gifts that provide real and positive impact around the world—including aid for refugees, access to clean water, and helping to end hunger.
Summer Mission Trips
For one week during most summers, youths and adults from our congregation travel, or remain local, to help rebuild communities and homes that have been destroyed by natural disasters and other tragedies.