Worship on Sunday Mornings & Holy Days (Childcare Available)
An Open Communion Table
Welcoming All People
A Blend of Contemporary and Traditional Worship Styles
Music Ministry

Please email the Music Director for more information.
Music in Worship
There's a saying about worship music that goes all the back to the Sixth Century, "Whoever sings prays twice." Music in worship can be written as a prayer, a meditation, praise to God or as a testimony about God. Everyone is welcome to make music during worship!
Praise Team/Choir
Lead Worship: on Sundays and special services as needed.
Rehearses: on Sundays and an hour prior to other services. Please check church calendar for exact schedule. Youth-Adult Vocalists are invited to participate!
Special Music
Musicians of all ages are invited to present special music during Sunday Worship. Please email the Music Director to volunteer.
Kids' Choir
Leads Worship: On occasional Sundays throughout the year
Rehearses: Sundays during Sunday School and as needed.
On High (Vocal Outreach Group)
Rehearses one evening a week and performs several seasonal tours. Please email the Music Director for more information.
Palm Sunday Cantata Choir
Leads Worship: On Palm Sunday
Rehearses: Each Sunday of Lent and one night before Palm Sunday. Youth-Adult Vocalists are invited to participate!
Christmas Cantata
Leads Worship: One Sunday during Advent
Rehearses: Each Sunday of Advent and one night before the Sunday performance. Youth-Adult Vocalists are invited to participate!